29 April 2011

Love is...

... Being in the moment.

Much Love,
The Dolfos

14 April 2011

Love is...

... Cheesy smiles!

Much Love,
The Dolfos

13 April 2011

Word Count.

*yes (head nod)
*no (head shake)
*no (sign)
*bath time
*exercise (sign)
*book (sign)
*sorry (sign)
*food/eat (sign)
*banana (sign)
*milk (sign)
*juice (sign)
*baby (sign)

That's all I can remember for now. :)

Much love,
The Dolfos

07 April 2011

Love is...

...boys being boys!

Much love,
The Dolfos

06 April 2011

Word count!

As Makani turns 18 months next week, I'm curious to see just how many words he has. He certainly understands a LOT, and in three languages, no less! :)

*please (sign)
*more (sign)
*train (sign)
*ball (sign)
*"ota" (pelota - spanish for ball)
*wa-wa (water - in english)
*water (sign)
*Mala (our dog)
*mom (sign)
*dad (sign)
*co-co (troque - spanish for truck)
*brush teeth (sign)
*bath (sign)
*diaper (sign)
*dat (that)

Yes, each word counts if it's in a different language. Can you believe it?! Those aren't even all of them (I'll try to complete it later). He's also got a phrase: more please (in sign language). Love this boy!

Much love,
The Dolfos