01 November 2012


The last two weeks of October really flew by. Granted, we did spend pretty much an entire week celebrating the awesomeness that is Mak. On October 16, he turned three years old. Three. It still feels strange to say that. "My three year old..." It doesn't quite fit right on my tongue yet.

Mak wanted a Dinosaur Train party. So that means Dinosaur piñatas. They were pretty small, so we got three. :) He was pretty excited! He kept wanting to "break them", like I told him we would. I promised him he could when his party started.

Party day came! It was a lot of fun! We kept it small, only had about five friends of his over, which turned out to be a great number (since four of those five also had little siblings around Ellie's age).

When it came time to break the piñatas, sadly, Mak was too scared! I didn't account for the possibility that he may get attached to them.... oops! Bad mom. =/ Luckily, Mak did have a few friends who were game to try and break it.

And little hands are always down to grab some candy. ;)

We did presents after everyone left, in some peace and quiet - Mak doesn't like too much attention. But I was happy to see him playing nicely with all his friends. Makes a mamí proud.

On his actual birthday, we had a family party. Almost everyone was able to make it, even though it was a Tuesday.

Uncles Kai and Myles

Me and my (not so) little bros

My brother, Gilby, being a good Tío

And finally: 

Our three year old. 

I have no words. My love for this little boy that, three years ago, made me a mom. I hope these have been a great three years for him, since I know they have been for us. Brad and I are always saying how we can't imagine a life without him. And it's true. The world really is a better place with you in it, Mak. 

Much love (and a few bittersweet tears),
The Dolfos

13 October 2012


I would love to homeschool my kids. Not for religious reasons or anything (we all know I'm not religious), but I feel like I could do a better job than the mainstream "standardized testing" school system.

And here's the thing, I figure if I really want to do this, I should get to know my kids, academically. So I signed Mak and me up for a "mom and me" preschool.

Here's a picture of him on his first day!

Just because I'm going with him for three hours, twice a week, didn't stop me from getting all choked up. Part of it was missing Ellie, who I'd never been apart from, but most of it was just sad that this precious child of mine is old enough to be going to a preschool class. 

He fit right in. He was just as tall (if not taller) than those three and four year olds. Since I know him so well, I knew he'd be a little shy at first. My thinker, my scholar, my cautious one... My observer. He finally started, on the third day, feeling comfortable about sitting and singing along during circle time. 

I love learning with him. And I love that this is a new thing, just us two. Just me and Mak. I forgot how much fun I had when it was just me and him at home. Don't get me wrong, I love Ellie, too, but it's clearer to me now that one-on-one time with each kid is important. 

Looking forward to the rest of the year. We're bringing cupcakes on Tuesday for Mak's birthday. Fun! I loved celebrating my birthday in class. :) 

Much Love,
The Dolfos

30 September 2012

October eve.

I'm in total denial that tomorrow is the first of October. It's hitting me hard because it means that Makani, the awesome little human being that made me a mom, is going to be three years old. I'm not ready for it. I hope the first fifteen days go slowly so I can soak up my wonderful two year old before he grows up a little more, and as always, too quickly.

We love you, Makster.

Much Love,
The Dolfos

17 September 2012

Jungles are chaotic.

All day long, Makani has been saying, "Remember, I go to the jungle and watch the chargers game?" and we just could not figure out what he meant. Then, lightbulb: jungle = the stadium. Cracked. Me. Up. That my two year old's brain is brilliant enough to recognize the chaos at a football game and equate it to a jungle!

08 September 2012

Tasty Animals

Me: I wonder if she works for PETA or something.
Brad: People Eating The Animals?
Me: Noooo, People Eating Tasty Animals.
Mak: I want to eat tasty animals, too! Me, too!


Much Love,
The Dolfos

22 August 2012

A morning moment.

Brad has a new job. It starts at 7:30am. Which means he leaves the house at 6:30am.

I am not a morning person, so this is tough on me, but I push through it. Counting the hours to nap time usually helps.

Ellie (and I) have gotten into the habit of sleeping until 7:30 (me, until 7). I thought it'd be fine if I just left her bundled up in our bed sleeping (safely, of course) until her normal wake up time, so I went downstairs to be with Mak and commence the morning. Ellie stirred. I rushed up to comfort her back to sleep.

Mak followed. SHHHH!! I insist. He whines, wanting to "help" wake up his little sister. So I resort to what every parent resorts to in times of desperation.


If you let me put baby back to sleep, I whisper, I'll give you a jellybean.

He taps his chin with his finger. I see him thinking. Then, in his LOUDEST whisper, he replies: No, I want TWO jellybeans.

Fine, I say. I can spare two.

Too late. Mak's loud whisper carried into his sister's ears, and her eyes pushed wide open. I hang my head in defeat.

SHE'S AWAAAAAKE! Mak screams with a smile. He climbs on the bed and kisses her belly. I can't be mad.

But, no, I did not give up the jellybeans.

Much love,
The Dolfos

12 August 2012

Weekend photo.

It's been hot, hot, hot this weekend! Perfect for some bubble fun.

Much love,
The Dolfos.

30 July 2012

Weekend photo.

We've just been so busy! Left us quite tired:

Much love,
The Dolfos.

23 July 2012

Disneyland - Day 1.

We have lots to celebrate this July... Abue turned 50! Our baby cousin, Lia, graduated high school and is headed to the prestigious St. Olaf in Minnesota.

Naturally, a trip to Disneyland was in order!

Makani insisted that the first ride we go on should be Buzz Lightyear. Fast line, so why not?

I carried Ellie around in a Tula carrier. She was safe and snug while still able to see everything.

Yes, that's Lia with a Mickey/Perry hat.

So excited to see Buzz!

Very serious work.

When you attempt Disneyland with two young kids, I'd assume that you generally look for rides with the shortest lines. That was our strategy and it worked really well.

Small world was next. Huge plus that it was air conditioned inside!

Ellie fell asleep. Disney is sooo relaxing when you're being carried by your mami.

Boys in wonder.

Kind of hard NOT to wake up when you hear loud music playing. This girl didn't cry once!

So happy.

Family photo attempt...

And again... Fail?

Brad took a turn in carrying Ellie with the Tula.. On his back!

Lunch was followed by Mickey shaped beignets! They were delicious!

After a failed attempt at naptime in the hotel room, we went straight back for more Disney fun.

Carousel ride!

That really ended up being all the Disney we could handle on day one. Had some lovely dinner, then back to the hotel for some quiet R&R so we could be ready for day two!

Much love,
The Dolfos.

16 July 2012

Comic con!

Brad's been working at comic con for the past few years, an this year he got lots of extra tickets. Now, I'm not by any means a comic book nerd or even knowledgeable about that stuff (outside of whatever major motion pictures are made), but I hear a lot about the "experience" that is Comic Con. I had to see it for myself.

I took my cousin Lia with me to help with the kids, but also because I knew she'd appreciate it.

Ellie wasn't too impressed with anything...

TNMT! I felt like a kid again.

Her face!

We went again on Saturday, and we brought Mak this time.

He was just a little bit starstruck.

Couldn't help it!

Brad was able to take a break and hang out a bit.

High five! Mak was much braver with daddy there.

Breastfeeding at comic con! Hell yeah!

All in all, it was fun. Don't know if I'd do it again, but it's nice to say we've been there, done that.

Up next: Disneyland!

Much love,
The Dolfos.

09 July 2012

Belated weekend photo.

Enjoying a date night!

Great food, great company, great laughs.

And of course, great love.
The Dolfos.

05 July 2012

Our fourth of July...

Fourth of July dress.

Sitting with Tata. Great grandpa.

Both with Tata.

Blurry picture with Nana. These two love to laugh.

Then we went over to Abue's after nap. Of course she had karaoke...

Giving Papa Pancho a turn.

Dance party! We didn't let the gloomy weather bring us down.

Ellie wasn't quite sure what to make of the singing.

But Abue kisses cheered her up.

Then some fireworks watching on YouTube before bed.

Perfect day.

Much Love,
The Dolfos.