22 August 2012

A morning moment.

Brad has a new job. It starts at 7:30am. Which means he leaves the house at 6:30am.

I am not a morning person, so this is tough on me, but I push through it. Counting the hours to nap time usually helps.

Ellie (and I) have gotten into the habit of sleeping until 7:30 (me, until 7). I thought it'd be fine if I just left her bundled up in our bed sleeping (safely, of course) until her normal wake up time, so I went downstairs to be with Mak and commence the morning. Ellie stirred. I rushed up to comfort her back to sleep.

Mak followed. SHHHH!! I insist. He whines, wanting to "help" wake up his little sister. So I resort to what every parent resorts to in times of desperation.


If you let me put baby back to sleep, I whisper, I'll give you a jellybean.

He taps his chin with his finger. I see him thinking. Then, in his LOUDEST whisper, he replies: No, I want TWO jellybeans.

Fine, I say. I can spare two.

Too late. Mak's loud whisper carried into his sister's ears, and her eyes pushed wide open. I hang my head in defeat.

SHE'S AWAAAAAKE! Mak screams with a smile. He climbs on the bed and kisses her belly. I can't be mad.

But, no, I did not give up the jellybeans.

Much love,
The Dolfos

12 August 2012

Weekend photo.

It's been hot, hot, hot this weekend! Perfect for some bubble fun.

Much love,
The Dolfos.