And here's the thing, I figure if I really want to do this, I should get to know my kids, academically. So I signed Mak and me up for a "mom and me" preschool.
Here's a picture of him on his first day!
Just because I'm going with him for three hours, twice a week, didn't stop me from getting all choked up. Part of it was missing Ellie, who I'd never been apart from, but most of it was just sad that this precious child of mine is old enough to be going to a preschool class.
He fit right in. He was just as tall (if not taller) than those three and four year olds. Since I know him so well, I knew he'd be a little shy at first. My thinker, my scholar, my cautious one... My observer. He finally started, on the third day, feeling comfortable about sitting and singing along during circle time.
I love learning with him. And I love that this is a new thing, just us two. Just me and Mak. I forgot how much fun I had when it was just me and him at home. Don't get me wrong, I love Ellie, too, but it's clearer to me now that one-on-one time with each kid is important.
Looking forward to the rest of the year. We're bringing cupcakes on Tuesday for Mak's birthday. Fun! I loved celebrating my birthday in class. :)
Much Love,
The Dolfos