just three days old.
To this:

One day shy of turning 21 weeks old. That's 147 days old.
We each have accomplished so much. Makani can now roll over, coo, smile, laugh, grab (oh, does he grab!), eat solids and all the wonderful milestones you expect your almost five month old to do. He's eager to be held upright on his legs and we let his "walking instinct" take over. As in, he looks like he's walking, but it's just his legs' instinct, he's not really walking or attempting to, really. But the more we allow him to practice this, the faster his brain will realize that he CAN control those movements and use them with a purpose. Mak is now working on sitting upright on his own, helping his first two teeth cut through and sleeping through the night. He is taking solids like a champ! Loves carrots (as pictured above) and also avocado, banana and oatmeal. We're hoping to introduce applesauce next. The best thing about all these foods is Mom makes them all herself at home, so no preservatives for him! They even taste better! :) Here's to hoping we all can figure something out to help him through what seems to be a pretty tough teething phase.
It's quite something to love someone, then create a life out of that love and watch it grow. It certainly adds a new dimension to our personalities and relationship. Brad and I have worked hard to make a smooth transition from couple to family and I think we're doing well. :) Bathtimes, diapers, playtime and feeding solid foods have all become easier. We laugh a LOT at our attempts when we try something new (feeding carrots without a bib = BAD idea!). If anything, we feel blessed and even younger with our new addition, having so much fun rediscovering childhood and watching each other gracefully fall into the roles of "mom" and "dad". It's such a wonderful, natural feeling.
Much love.
The Dolfos.
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