I knew Makani had Brad's active side but he also had a very quiet, observant curiosity, just like his mom. His personality is a mellow, go-with-the-flow type, but he doesn't like to be surprised or rushed. Strange combination? It's exactly what Brad and I are like together, so it makes perfect sense to us.
While in my belly, I would feel Mak coast serenely back and forth, back and forth from side to side in my belly, sometimes doing flips, sometimes kicking off on one side and bumping into another. Then he'd have a little fit as if to say, Why isn't there more room in here?! I'd often tell people, Ah, Mak's doing his laps now.
So it was really no question to us whether we wanted to put him in baby swim (plus, my mom has a pool, two aunts have a pool AND we live near the beach... it's just good sense wherever you are). It was no surprise, though it still brought a bit smile to my face, when Mak took so easily to swimming!
It's been a month now and he happily dives underwater, knows to hold his breath, comes up making funny faces and smiling. His teacher, Erin, says he's a natural, and most babies don't take to it so quickly. Proud parents, we are!
During bathtime, he practices his kicking and has recently learned to make BIG splashes by slamming his hands down on the water. I'm pretty sure most of the bath water ends up on one (or both) of us, but water dries and we never pass up a moment to laugh along with Makani.

How can you NOT smile upon seeing THAT smile??
Much love,
The Dolfos