Makani has turned six months old!
All day, I kept looking at this boy, watching him sit up, watching him balance on all fours, watching him play, laugh, smile, learn, cry, grab and I couldn't believe he was here. I couldn't believe that just a year ago he was barely a few inches long and now he's 15 pounds and 27 inches long and he's HERE. And he's mine. Well, ours, of course. Everyday I look at him and sometimes I see Brad, sometimes I see myself, always, I see Makani. A perfect blend of the two of us. He has a personality now, he's developing preferences (LOVES his monkey, not crazy about peas), he exudes charm and has a quiet playfulness about him that I just love LOVE love.
He loves to smile, which is wonderful because everyone he meets loves to make him smile. He's developed a sense of independence, which I thought would be hard for me, as his mom, to encourage, but I see his eyes light up and his smile get so wide that I can't help but cheer him on. I have years (that I plan to cherish and cherish) until he really starts to let go, so I take these little moments as practice and I hold onto those brilliant facial expressions when he achieves his goal.
Makani, I can't tell you what a joy it is to be your mom and I know Dad feels the exact same way. We love you so much!
The Dolfos
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