This gorgeous baby boy of mine was born at 5:06am and weighed 6 pounds and 15 ounces.
One year later, he's up to a whopping 25 pounds, walking, running, signing and even a few words.
My eyes well up as I think about this past year, all of its ups and downs and in betweens. Learning to be "Mom" was not easy. It tested my patience. It tested my will. It tested my commitment. It tested my relationships. It certainly tested my sanity. They aren't kidding when they say sleep deprivation is the hardest part of being a new parent.
I wouldn't trade a second. Not even a millisecond. The joy this little boy has brought into our lives is indescribable and irreplaceable. A year later and I know:
*just how much patience I have
*what an amazing father Brad is
*how fun it is watching my parents be grandparents
*messes are NOT worth the stress, but ARE worth laughter
*that it's okay for me to nap when he naps
*the laundry will always be there for me to do tomorrow
*the best thing I can accomplish all day is making my baby laugh
*my marriage is a lot stronger than I gave it credit for
*that I can never take too many pictures
*and that being late is worth every hug and kiss.
As we move into our second year, I look forward to seeing more of Mak's rambunctious personality. Something tells me I have a sweet little mischievous boy on my hands. Here's hoping I can nurture more sweet than mischievous! :)
Much love,
The Dolfos.
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