21 February 2011


It's important to me that my son signs. I don't know how long I'll be able to hear, but I know that I'll always be able to sign. It's an easy way to communicate, and a truly beautiful way, too. Fortunately, right now, I *CAN* hear, and speak clearly, so I don't sign with Makani as often as I wish I would. I've been trying to remind myself to sign more, or at least sim-com (simultaneous communication, where you speak and sign at the same time).

I'm getting better. But everyday, I remind myself that I need to turn off my voice and trust that he will pick up what I'm saying. He already does. And I know perfectly well that CODAs (Children Of Deaf Adults) have no delay in speech. In fact, some of the most brilliant people I know are CODAs. And I truly believe its because they learned sign language first. Or maybe the beauty of the Deaf Culture just raises these wonderful people. I need to have more trust in that my son will WANT to sign with me as he gets older. I guess part of me doesn't want to push it on him for fear that he won't want to, or resent having to learn another language just for one parent.

Either way, there is no time like the present to start something positive. I try, everyday, to find an hour or two to just voice-off and sign with Mak. And the best part is it makes no difference to him, it's obviously something he considers normal. He waves to get my attention, makes sure I'm looking at him and he's looking at me, I've unknowingly schooled him well, he's a true CODA.

For the record, he also speaks and understands Spanish. My little tri-linguist. :)

Much Love,
The Dolfos.

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