09 November 2011


There are days I feel like I'm pushing 40.

And there are days where I feel like I'm a teenager playing house. Not in a bad way. But more in a very, gosh-I-feel-too-young-to-be-this-lucky! way. Those days are good days. I hold onto them.

That way when I'm feeling much, much older than 26, I can remind myself how giddy I get when I look at my family. I'm happier now than I was when I was a teenager. And that makes me feel even more like one.

I guess it's possible to get better as you get older. To become younger as you get older. What a comforting thought.

Much love (and youth),
The Dolfos

04 November 2011


I have approximately seven weeks left with this baby inside of me and here start the swirl of emotions. Excitement. Nervousness. Anxiety. Glee.

More nesting has commenced. Thank goodness I'm having a baby shower soon - I might not be able to hold back from buying baby things much longer. I really can't wait! It's still wistful.

The more I prepare for this new baby, the more I look at Makani and miss my baby Mak. So much. I almost want HIM to be my baby again, too. It's hard to describe. I accept him as a two year old, more than that, I absolutely love him as a two year old. He's smart, and happy and adds so much to my days. But I loved my newborn Makani, and I know I always will. I take every hug and kiss I can get each day. And it never gets old. And I can't wait until I get double!

Much love,
The Dolfos