It's amazing to me how quickly we develop. As I watch Makani grow, I share with my parents that "it goes by so fast!" And they always respond with a knowing, sometimes bittersweet look and reply, "Oh, I know." And I realize they *still* think the same thing when they look at me, their daughter, then a wife, now a mom.
Makani has been doing such a great job hitting all those milestones. He's now sitting up for minutes at a time (he gets bored, or sees something more interesting a few feet away, then just falls to his tummy), he's learning that he can get on his knees and balance there, he's definitely mastered backwards motion, sideways motion, and even turning in circles and now he's using all his might to get forward motion going.
The house *HAS* been baby-proofed.
Now all that's left is to watch Makani's face light up as he realizes he's MOVING FORWARD! Good thing we started running again, gotta keep those muscles in top shape as we gear up for chasing after this little one.
Much love,
The Dolfos :)
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