23 June 2011

Babies and Biting.

So at our prenatal appointment this past monday, our midwife tried to find the baby's heartbeat on the doppler. I'm 13 weeks and 6 days (today). Couldn't find it. I had a suspicion that might happen, as the baby is still pretty small. Nonetheless, all the info I knew couldn't stop my heart from pounding a bit harder as she went to get the ultrasound machine, just to check.

Turned it on, found the baby.... and found the heart beating away happily. Talk about a *WHEW*. It's amazing how fast your mind can race in just a few seconds. While my logical mind was telling me to stay calm, baby is likely fine, and if not, I can always try again, 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriages and those women often go on to have healthy pregnancies and many babies, etc etc etc... that emotional side of my brain could only think about the little being I've come to know and love and how much I really want to meet that bean.

I'm fortunate. I know it. I've had one healthy baby and I'm on my way (hopefully) to having another. Those few seconds I gained even more respect and compassion for those who've had miscarriages, especially late ones.

Anyway, a happy note: We got to actually see the baby! Got to see it moving around in there, and the little skeleton, brain, arms and legs. I'm so excited. Brad's excited. Makani's.... indifferent, but that's okay. At this point, indifferent is a good thing.

Speaking of my big Mak, he's been biting lately. Oi. Not something I thought I'd face, but here we are. I've asked around at other parents, and I kid you not, EVERY one of them said they bit back. Just once, because after that, their kids never bit again. Sooooo..... I did it. And Makani has NOT dared to even threaten a bite. I think I may have scared the bite out of him. Let's hope so!!

Much Love,
The Dolfos

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