05 September 2011


It's been a stressful few weeks. Brad's still waiting to hear about a job placement in the district, and he started his last semester of college. So looking forward to him not being in school, but first he has to finish four classes to get his degree. Which should help him get a better job. But it would be nice if he had a job in the meantime. Damn budget cuts.

Anyway. Lots of changes at home, too. We finally got Mak a "baby sister" doll and a stroller, so he could start practicing being a big brother. So far, not bad. He can be very loving and gentle when he wants to. He can also run over the baby with glee when he wants to. I'm not worried, though. I just want him to develop a sense of purpose, a purpose for himself as a big brother, and know that the baby has a purpose in our lives, too.

More changes: Carter has started preschool. Such a bittersweet moment for me, since I started nannying for him when he was just fourteen months old. He'll be four years old in November, and while I know it was time for him to start, I couldn't help but feel sad at the thought that this precious kid just outgrew what I could give him. Luckily, I took him to some trial days at preschool, so I actually got to see how enriching it will be for him, and how well he fits in... My sadness diminished into joy as I saw how happy he was to have other kids his age (not just Makani) to play with.

If I'm this sad when Carter starts preschool, how many tears will I shed when it's Makani's turn?? I should buy some stocks in Kleenex now.

I have to say, as stressful as things have been lately, I'm proud of Brad and I for keeping each other grounded and sane. Stress is hard on a marriage, but we seem to have found ways to check in with each other and deal with it effectively. I hope that never changes.

Much love,
The Dolfos

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