25 July 2011


Brad came home from work on Saturday, took one look around the house and said, ...... oh....... You're nesting.

I was quite offended. It's too early for nesting, I told him. I'm only 18 weeks, that's not even halfway, and what's more, why does cleaning have to be labeled as nesting just because I'm pregnant?!

Ariel, he tells me, LOOK around. And I looked. I see piles of things to keep, donate, trash. EVERYWHERE. No inch of my house was untouched by my uncontrollable need to get everything in order. Damnit, I thought, I *am* nesting. How totally random. Brad proceeded to remind me that I started this early with Makani, too. As soon as we found out his gender via ultrasound, I absolutely had to go out, buy paint for his room and get it done ASAP. There is absolutely no rationale involved. It's just a primal instinct that takes over and anyone that gets in the way is a danger.

We found out the gender of this baby quite early. At 17 weeks, there was a clear absence of boy parts. The tech seemed fairly confident in declaring this baby a girl. Every time I share my doubts with Brad, he reminds me that she (the baby) wasn't shy, and we checked from several angles, looking for a penis. There wasn't one. This, of course, sparked an intense need to go through all the baby boy clothes we'd been saving, just in case. There were boxes and boxes of clothes, from newborn to 18 months.

No matter how tired or hungry I was, I could not stop sorting. Piles mounted, what goes in Makani's baby box, what to give away, what's neutral enough to keep for a girl. I'm happy to say I'm done for the moment.

By the way, nesting is not limited to baby things only. I went through my jewelry, my clothes, my make-up, Brad's clothes, the dishes, the kitchen towels, I went though everything. All excess *stuff*... gone. As if getting rid of "weight" will somehow balance all the weight I'm gaining (not much). It's such a strange feeling, to feel such primal urges, things you can't fight, nor should you.

I'm sure in a month or two, I'll be at it again, and should we have another baby shower.... all I can say is, stay out of my way. ;)

Much Love,
The Dolfos

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