29 July 2011

Sh*t happens.

Sometimes literally.

I nanny for a great three year old named Carter. We've been together since he was 13 months old, so I've been with him since before I ever got pregnant with Makani.

Fast forward two years, and I'm fortunate that Carter and Mak have forged a great friendship. Practically like siblings, and I say that because as much as they love like siblings, they definitely argue as such. For example:

Carter, being three and a half, has taken to being a bit bossy sometimes. Makani, being one and a half, doesn't like it too much. He's a very physical kid, my Mak, and not one for words. So lately, when Carter gets too bossy, Makani sometimes pushes him to let him know he's had enough. There's been some biting from Mak, and Carter let up for awhile.

Well, this week, the bossing was turned WAY up. My solution has always been to separate the two and have them parallel play until they can play nicely again. On this particular day, Makani needed a diaper change. I ran upstairs to get one, came back down to hear Carter shouting, "Makani, you have to share! SHARE! Give me it!" I should note that Carter is still learning that 'share' doesn't mean you get it right away. Sharing, I explained, means the person still gets to finish their turn before handing it over.

Mak was fed up. He doesn't like being bossed and has tried everything to get Carter to stop. So he went to an extreme I never, EVER thought I'd witness: He reached into his diaper, grabbed a handful of his poop, and threw it at Carter.

How lucky am I that Carter moved at the last second? He didn't even realize that he was the intended target. I stood there, in shock, stuck between hysterical laughter and sheer disgust. All I could do for a moment was utter, "Makani, don't fling your poop!" Makani didn't seem to hear me, since he was still staring down Carter who, by then, was laughing his little butt off.

Oh the joys.......... I recounted this whole thing to Brad when he got home, and he could NOT stop laughing. I wasn't quite into the full belly laugh yet. Brad's comment was, "well... at least he's resourceful in his anti-bullying stance."


Much love,
The Dolfos

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